This morning, I was honored to represent Fairfax County public safety and present checks for $500,000 to Executive Director Tiffany Tillotson for Greater Washington MDA and $125,000 to General President Harold Schaitberger for the IAFF Disaster Relief Fund for the record breaking 2017 Fill the Boot Campaign. Huge thanks to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue, Local 2068, Fairfax County Department of Public Safety Communications, Fairfax County Police, FOP Lodge 77, Paul Davis Restoration, SunTrust, Subway Restaurants, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Retirement Assn, Fairfax County Volunteer Canteens, family members from the above organizations and, finally, the citizens & visitors of Fairfax County who graciously open their windows and hearts to donate and make our campaign number one in the nation year after year.
I am proud to be on your team.