‘Alexandrian’ Will Bailey Wins Councilor Seat

facebook Share on Facebook Congratulations to former Local 2068 Vice President Will Bailey elected as thenewest city councilor in Alexandria. Brother Bailey is part of an all-Democratic city council joined by Mayor Allison Silberberg, Vice Mayor Justin Wilson and fellow City Councilors John Chapman, Tim Lovain, Del Pepper, and Paul Smedberg.

In an interview with the Alexandria Times Will said, “I feel like I have a calling to help people, There’s no other reason I ran for city council. People said I was going to be a politician, but I didn’t see it as me being a politician. I wanted to give back to a city that has done so much for me.

“I’m walking to City Hall with you, fi ghting for you, your issues. If you can’t do it, let me do your fi ghting for you.”

Will’s work on Coats for Kids, which is now backed by the IAFF, is just one of his many charitable campaigns. Many of us have worked on his Backpack Drive and the Toys for Tots events at FS 411.

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