On this 17th anniversary of the attacks on 9/11/01, we take time to remember those who died that day, including 343 New York City Fire Department (FDNY) Firefighters, as well as 23 New York Police Department Officers and 37 Officers of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey. Since 9/11/01, more than 150 firefighters have died due to exposure to the toxic dust from the collapsed buildings, thousands more are still suffering from the exposures. On that day, citizens from 90 countries around the world died, ranging in age from 2 to 85 years old. Soon after #Flight77 crashed in the #Pentagon, your #IAFF2068#FairfaxFirefighters responded, both as members of Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department and Virginia Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue. Please keep all those affected by this tragedy in your thoughts and prayer. #neverforget #September11 #FDNY #NYPD #WTC #ShanksvillePA #Flight11 #Flight175 #Flight93 #ThreeHundredFortyThree #343