Battalion 2 - January 2016

Richard Merrell

 Attended morning union meeting held at Fairfax Moose Lodge. Made motion to hold all General Membership Meetings at 0800 rather than the flip/flop schedule we currently have. Motion will come before the membership at the March 2nd meeting for final vote. B-shift coming off duty so get your troops to the meeting and free breakfast.

 Attended January L2068 Executive Board Meeting held at the union office. Many topics of discussion can be found in the meeting minutes.

 Attended the Monthly Pension Board Trustee meeting. Our pension system is not only stable and growing, it is one of the better funded plans within public pension in the nation. 

 Worked on one grievance during the month.

February 2016- 

 Attended the February 3rd General Membership meeting

 Attending the IAFF Executive Board Meeting this week.

Youth Firesetting a Growing Public Safety Concern
Fire Fighters and Cancer Risks