Blogger Joe Bertoni, a retired Fairfax County firefighter and member of the Fairfax County Professional Firefighters & Paramedics was honored by the International Association of Fire Fighters 2013 Media Awards. His blog post "Six Ways to Keep Active Retired Members Engaged" was awarded in the Best Blog Post category. Joe is a contributor to the IAFF Frontline Blog.
The blog post provided great insight and advice on how to keep an active retiree base in fire service, this piece outlines the challenges of engaging and including retirees in local affairs.
The multimedia category honors work that was designed exclusively for an online audience. By taking advantage of online media's powerful combination of video, sound, imagery and interactivity, these award winners truly bring fire fighting to life.
The International Association of Fire Fighters Media Awards Contest is conducted annually to honor reporting and photography that best portray the exciting, meaningful and often dangerous work of professional fire fighters and emergency personnel in the United States and Canada. The contest also recognizes outstanding work by IAFF affiliates in communicating with their members and the public.
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